Largest Freshwater Fish Found?

Recently scientists that were working in the Mae Klong River caught a sting ray that they compare to the size of a car.  They were not able to weigh the animal without hurting it, but can estimate that it is about 800-900 lbs.  Upon measuring it, they found that it is about 7.9 feet long and 14 feet across.  This finding puts it in the running for one of the largest freshwater fish ever recorded.  They cannot be certain about this idea, but scientists are almost certain that it will be the largest freshwater fish recorded.



Odd Nosed Antelope Experience Mass Die-Off

Ever heard of odd nosed antelope?  Neither have most people.  This species is indigenous to Central Asia, especially Kazakhstan.  These antelope can also be called saiga noses, because of their rounded nose.  This past Spring, an unknown disease hit the odd nosed antelope of Central Asia.  This species was nearly halved, and 200,000 individuals were lost because of this disease.  These antelope can also be called saiga noses, because of their rounded nose.  Scientists predict that while there is a possibility of their species survival, they predict that growth rate will begin to decrease because of this huge loss. nosed antelope